Stay ahead of the latest mobile threats

Identify potential mobile app security threats, and take action to protect your organization from harm.


IOC gathering and threat hunting

Augment static mobile malware and threat research with advanced dynamic analysis. Detonate mobile malware or actively engage with smishing and phishing scams directly from a virtual iOS or Android device. Easily change the device’s physical location (GPS) to examine location-based threats, and use a local proxy with VPN connectivity to gain network connectivity anywhere in the world.


Sandboxed malware detonation

Safely detonate mobile malware on sandboxed Corellium virtual devices. For mobile threat hunting, use built-in visualization tools for root access, evidence and IoC analysis, filesystem access, SSL/TLS stripped network monitoring, and mobile app debugging. A comprehensive API and USBFlux technology enables integration with leading development and security research tools such as IDA Pro, Frida, and Burp Suite